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Monday, March 8, 2010

The Vegetarian On Being Well, Vegetarian

So you've made that choice - you're not eating meat for good. You've sworn not to bite into another McDonald's cheeseburger, you promised never to walk into another KFC, you no longer think of nuggets when you see a chicken, and you're ready to strip for PETA (only if you have a body like Pamela Anderson. Otherwise, please do not scare the animals). And when I say meat, I mean all animals walking, flying, slithering and swimming. We will not start that debate on fish, cause that conversation will not end 'til the cows, the sheep and the entire animal farm come home. I will not question your reason: religion, altruism, ecological, health, animosity towards plants that you decided to devour them, chlorophyll cravings, or maybe being a cow in your past life. I congratulate you on your choice 'cause it was not an easy one to make. And for one who's been vegetarian for almost 4 years, here's what I have to say:

The Diets

The Rawfooders - Probably the cleanest and purest diet I've ever tried. However, dining out is a challenge, especially in our fastfood-infested world. You can't walk up to the waiter and say, "Give me my carrots and give it to me raw!" Fruits are not always available and get ready to be pestered when you only have salad for lunch: you're on a diet? why are you on a diet? are you sure you're full? you eat so little...You'd be dying to throw tomatoes at your friends by the time you're done with lunch.

The Compensating Junkies - Being vegetarian doesn't mean a free meal ticket to all food that has no meat like cakes, potato chips, French fries, doughnuts and chocolates. The common thinking, "I don't eat meat so I'll eat everything else" is a binge eater's mentality. If you feel that not eating meat created a void, better not be a vegetarian cause filling this void with junk will only make you unhealthy.

The Fruitarians - I admire your discipline, but I don't know how you do it.

The Annoyances

"I don't understand how you can give up meat. This burger tastes soooooo good."
Don't hate me if I say you're an insensitive, cow-murdering prick. And I hope you choke on that burger.

"You never eat with us."
So I can stare at you while you bite into that chicken leg? Spare me.

"Humans are supposed to eat animals."
See if you can still say that when you become a chicken in your next life.

The FAQs

Are vegetarians generally wimpy, weak and pallid?
Take a good look at my photo. Call that pallid and I'll call you color blind. I do weight training, Bodycombat, Pilates so dare call me a wimp and I'll kick your ass.

Do vegetarians eat animal crackers?
Yes, unless you're on a low-carb diet.

Are there any fat vegetarians?
Yes. As there are skinny meat eaters.

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