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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Ladies of Leisure Quote of the Day

Whatever you give a woman, she will make it greater.
If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby. 
If you give her a house, she'll give you a home.
If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal. 
If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart. 
She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her.  
So, if you give her any crap, be ready to receive a ton of shit.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Hot or Not Hollywood Candyfest

I was at a send-off dinner the other night with my colleagues and how we wound up into a featherbrained, cacophonous discussion of who's hot and who's not in Hollywood, nobody could really recall. The decision was unanimous that David Hasselhoff will never make it to the list (*For those who disagree, don't bother to comment as I prefer not to argue with people who have bad taste).

The conversation was concluded by each persons' Hollywood's Top 5. Quite frankly, the last time I drew up a list was in high school, and I've never given it some thought my entire working life, simply because I prefer not to spend my hours of ennui dreaming of screwing Hollywood actors I can never have.

Nonetheless, here's who made it to my Top 5. I don't exactly go for the manufactured popstars of today, so don't expect Zac Efron to even come close to making it to the Top 10.

1. Gael Garcia Bernal
Like Shoemart, you got it all.

2. Christian Bale
The dark, brooding kind.

3. Hugh Jackman
Scratch me with your claws.

4. Jude Law
So what if you're a manhoe?

5. Will Smith
The epitome of cool

Still in the running...
Ethan Hawke
First crushes never die.

Clive Owen
Did somebody say sex appeal?

Johnny Depp
But why Vanessa Paradis?

And here's the latest addition to the Hollywood manfest...
Tyson Jay Ritter!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Burning the Bridge Before You Get There

And just when you thought you'd finally see the first (amongst a slew of firsts) love of your adolescent life, reality bites you in the butt like a nasty bedbug hiding within the springs and frayed cotton of your mattress. The Bridge Project brings Ethan Hawke to Singapore in William Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale on March 26th to 31st...the week when I'll be back in the Philippines. Nooooooooooooooooooooo..... (fades into oblivion....)


Somebody suggested moving my flight. Erm, if it were an Ethan Hawke-Will Smith-Jude Law ogling repertoire, i.e. butt or frontal flashes involved, I might reconsider.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Never Hit a Jellyfish with a Spade

Snippets of Guy Browning's metaphorical wisdom that gave me heaps of amusement before bedtime.

"The four horsemen of glumness are tiredeness, boredom, rain and low blood-sugar level. Any of them can lead to minor glumness, while all four together can lead to the very serious irritable bastard syndrome."

"Socializing shouldn't be confused with socialism. Socialists are the ones who like to meet people's needs, and socialites are the needy ones who like to meet people."

"If it's true that you are what you eat, then Britain is currently raising a large population of chicken nuggets."

"Brown toast isn't really much good because it doesn't change colour when you toast it. Brown bread already has a lot of attitude, and toasting is like punishing it for being too good for you in its natural state. With white bread you feel as though you're doing it a favour toasting it. It's like two weeks in the Caribbean for it.

Some people cut off the crusts of their toast. These are people who don't understand where real pleasure lies - the sort of people who cycle with helmets in the country or have sex in their pyjamas."

On dunking biscuits...
"Most people opt for the safety dunk, where you just dip a litle bit of the biscuit in and then suck off the soggy bit. More dangerous is the slam dunk, where you put the entire biscuit in up to your fingertips and then whip it out at the last moment. There is a very real risk that you'll end up with the entire body of your biscuit lying cementified on the bottom of the mug. This gives the opportunity for those who don't dunk to feel fantastically superior. Non-dunkers say they enjoy the contrast between warm and wet, and dry and hard. Perverts."

"If you're binge eating, the real question you should be asking yourself is not what you're eating but what's eating you."